Tang Long Imperial 唐龙保健酒
Tang Long Imperial 唐龙保健酒
1 bottle X 750ml
RM 85.00
综合了中国宫廷配方及中医康复学,唐龙保健酒献给您最佳的保健品。唐龙保健酒是中国宫廷配方,中医康复学及阴阳互补之效为基础。"名水酿美酒",唐龙保健酒是由中国东平湖湖水 酿制而成。湖水矿物质丰富,富含钙、硒、镁、锌及其他来自湖中水生植物的营养。唐龙酒制作严谨,每一道工序都精心酿制,以确保产品质量。香甜清醇,芬芳扑 鼻,令人爱不释手,而其养颜保健效应,更是倍受众人青睐与肯定。唐龙酒品味独特,男女均适合饮用。经常饮用常保健康,活力充沛,神采飞扬。
8.5% 荷花-养心,益肾,治妇人崩漏白带。
8.0% 莲子-活血止血, 去湿消风,治跌呕血。
8.0% 荷叶-消热解暑,补脾止泻,治便血。
7.0% 藕节-止血,散瘀,止血崩。
7.0% 酸枣-养肝,宁心,安神,治虚烦,治烦渴,虚 汗。
2.0% 人参-大补元气,安神治劳伤。
7.0% 肉豆蔻-止泻,治腹胀,治食欲不振,治呕吐。
8.0% 芡实-祛胃火,消食,祛胃寒,祛胃腹胀满。
7.0% 山楂-帮助消化,抗癌,收缩子宫。
7.0% 丁香-治呕吐,消肿止痛,健胃,驱蛔虫作用。
7.0% 意苡任-清热,利尿,补肺,健脾,抗癌。
8.0% 玫瑰-疏肝理气解忧郁,调经。
6.8% 蜂蜜-滋润,止痛,解毒,治肺燥咳嗽。
7.0% 蒲黄-治产后瘀痛,治痛经,利尿,去瘀。
7.0% 荷叶蒂-和胃安胎,补中益气,止血,止泻。
7.0% 冬瓜子-预防中暑,治脚气,治全身浮肿,治糖尿病, 治膀胱炎,治妇女带下黄白。
7.0% 湖菱-缓和腹泻、炎症和胃溃疡。
Unifying the traditions of Imperial Chinese medicine and Chinese recuperative science, Tang Long Imperial wine is an invaluable gift for overall well-being and longevity.
Tang Long Imperial wine is the result of several years of studies, research and development in combining the traditions of imperial Chinese medicine and Chinese recuperative science to create the best nutritious health wine in the world.
Tang Long Imperial use minerals water from Lake Dong Ping which is well known for its mountains, water and farmlands. Mount Taishan, situated nearby towards the east, is the source of mineral water which is rich in strontium, silicon, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc and is known as one of China's top ten sources for mineral water.
Most of the ingredients used in Tang Long Imperial are selected from the water plants in Lake Dong Ping itself such as water claptrop, seed of Golden Euryale, lotus seed.
All ingredients are meticulously processed through more than 20 working procedures including washing, cooking and fermentation. Advanced germ-free automatic production line, topped with high-tech monitoring system is used to ensure the best quality. As a result, Tang Long Imperial wine is highly praised by people worldwide for its unique sweet and fragrant aroma and goodness for long-life of beauty and vitality.
Tang Long Imperial Wine is formulated based on the traditions of Imperial Chinese medicine and Chinese health science. It is medicinal herbal tonic made from 17 types of herbs and mineral-rich water of Lake Dong Ping in China. Our wines are rich in calcium, selenium, magnesium zink and other nutrients sourced from the lake's aquatic plants. It is nutritious and fragrant; tastes so good and smooth. The sweet and fragrant aroma is beloved by many; while the beautifying and healthy benefits are praised by all. Suitable for men and women, the goodness of Tang Long Imperial should be savoured continuously for long-life of beauty and vitality. Besides, it helps to improve blood circulations and your overall well-being. So, with Tang Long Imperial Wine, you can now start afresh and stay fresh every day!
Enhance internal organs like stomach, intestines, kidney and spleen. Improve vitality, relieve fatigue, stress and insomnia.
Promote blood circulation, rejuvenate body energy and relieve gout pain.
Promote blood circulation, relieve body heat and diarrhea, and restore body energy against postnatal fatigue
Help stop internal bleeding and soothe black-and-blue mark or swelling
Protect the liver, soothe anxiety and improve sleep quality
Strengthen body immunity, revitalize energy, soothe anxiety, promote digestive function
Enhance digestive system, improve appetite, relieve inflammation, swelling and diarrhea
Improve digestive function and alleviate stomach inflammation
Promote digestion and blood circulation, help regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease
Improve vitality, soothe inflammation and swelling
Improve breathing and increase discharge of urine, relieve water retention, regulate blood reassure and fortify the heart
Improve digestive function, soothe swelling, anxiety and menstrual discomfort
Soothe gastric discomfort, inflammation and constipation, improve breathing and help discharge body toxin
Promote blood circulation, well-being of uterus, intestines and prevent tuberculosis
Enhance the stomach, revitalize body energy, help stop bleeding and soothe diarrhea
Diuretic and relieve inflammation and children’s diarrhea, help improve diabetic and cystitis
Improve vitality, relieve diarrhea, inflammation and stomach ulcer
Buying Linking / 购买链接 :
( in catagories strategic alliance ) ( Bright Way Avenue Brand )
6 条评论:
时间 2021年6月1日 02:05 , Unknown 说...
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时间 2021年6月1日 02:07 , Unknown 说...
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时间 2021年12月10日 15:45 , Unknown 说...
时间 2021年12月10日 15:47 , Unknown 说...
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时间 2022年1月22日 19:09 , Unknown 说...
时间 2023年8月21日 04:23 , wen 说...
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